I am baaaack now in more ways than one. Yup, I know I have been missing in action on my own blog
{how pathetic is that!}, but it started with being sick twice between Thanksgiving and Christmas and constantly playing catch up throughout the holiday mayhem. Then, you factor in a 2 week haitus to Philly to see family, including the 19 hr. trek during a record-setting snowfall in the northeast and a 17 hr. return trip requiring blink eyedrops about every two seconds of the last 4 hours and as many caffeine drinks that my bladder would allow given our limited stops. Yes, December began and ended in the blink of an eye, but I promise to do multiple project postings to show you what creative things I have been up to during my absence!
As you may know, the big
Craft and Hobby Assocation Winter show in Anaheim, CA is fast approaching. This is a peek at the winter hat mini album I created and will be presenting with
Glue Arts at the
Inspired at Home Pajama Party Live event. So whether or not you are one of the lucky attendees making this at the CHA Craft Super Show special event, you check throw on your PJs and slippers and check out the live broadcast of this event!
Since everyone's budgets are pinched tighter by holiday spending, ya'll are probably ready for a sale. If you have been wanting to try out
Glue Arts' adhesives, now is the time. Save 10% from now until the end of January using the promo code JAN10 during checkout.