Today didn’t work out to be a very Happy Father’s Day. We got news mid day that my mom’s only sister, my Aunt Flossie, passed away losing her battle with ovarian cancer. It is bittersweet since none of us wanted her to suffer any more and knew that she was anxious to meet God, but the thought of family gatherings without this kind-hearted and loving, woman who loved to dance, had a contagious sparkle about her that everyone loved is just beyond comprehension right now. She was by modern-day standards a foodie. She loved and appreciated great food. No matter what the event or place she went, she would always entertain us with great tales of how good the food looked or tasted. I will never be able to eat an ice cream cone without thinking of her. In fact, we stopped by Moos, our favorite beachside ice cream stop, on the way home from church tonight. Ashley and I toasted our ice creams in her honor. There are so many little things about her that I will miss. like trying to keep up with her doing water aerobics or a line dance for that matter! She and I share so many things in common. Whether it was the thrill of a great bargain, a love of sharp clothers, the contagious urge to dance to a great beat, the gift of gab, speaking up for things we feel strongly about, the thrill of traveling or just always wanting to be on the go, I defintely see a lot of her in me.
Growing up, we lived down the street from my aunt, uncle and cousins. We took family vacations with them every year and still continue to do family reunions whenever possible. Our families were and will always be lovingly intertwined. She was as much a second mom to me as she was an aunt so even though my mind knows I should be rejoicing that she is at peace, my heart is still grieving her loss.
When we were little, we had this little tradition that if something really wonderful happened, she would call us over for a rambuncious round of twirling in an energetic dance she called a “hazeldiddly”. I have no doubt in my mind, Aunt Floss, that you were warmly welcomed by God, your mom, dad and husband, Rob and that everyone was dancing hazzlediddlies in heaven welcoming in a soul as wonderful as you! >