Day 40 - Love Birds Keepsake Box

The focus of this project is on Fancy Pants Designs’ completely adorable Love Birds Collection combined with Glue Arts Adhesives, of course! For Valentine’s day, I wanted to make my daughter a box where she could keep all her memorabilia from her relationship with her beau. She is very creative so I knew that she would appreciate having a nice place to keep photos, ticket stubs, letters and other memories. I used papers and stickers form the Love Birds Kit and paired it with some other yummy stickers and chipboard from Little Yellow Bicycle’s Cupcake Love Collection...along with flowers and other bling, of course you know I couldn’t make anything plain. hehehe! This project will be featured as my design team project on Glue Arts’ blog. So keep checking in there for it and be sure to leave a comment. Who know's you may just win something on their blog for doing it! Here are a few photos. You can check out my gallery for more showing the steps in making this. Big thanks to J.B. & K.W. for being good sports and letting me use their photos and allowing me to post on the internet. ;D
Day 41 - Sweet on You Container
In an effort to be more eco-friendly and eco-minded, I decided recently to turn the packaging from some Glue Arts’ refills into some fun Valentine’s containers. I shared the first one with you just the other day, Day 39’s May Arts Gift container, and now here is one I made for my sweet niece for Valentine’s Day.
A peek inside the lid!
Here is what it looks like filled with some goodies!