Within the first few months of living in Florida, we experienced four hurricanes, ironically, the first one starting on Friday the 13th, August 2004. Was that a message? Many friends asked if we regretted our move here, but we pointed to the many upsides of living where we do...and we still love it here. Recently, we were impacted by Tropical Storm Fay. Entering from the west coast, who would have thought she would have left such an impact on our tiny east coast town...flooding, tornado warnings and almost 30" of rain — half of our yearly amount in just 3 days, and miraculously we remained dry and with power! (We're hoping it stays that way!) Who would have expected Fay to cancel 4 of the first 5 days of school; she was merely a Tropical Storm who parked herself over Melbourne, FL. So if you never knew where I lived before, I am sure from the news, you have now at least heard of Melbourne.
Although our hurricane season doesn’t end until November, nothing compares to watching a turtle nesting, seeing the shuttle launch on the Fourth of July, taking a walk on the beach whenever time allows, not being confined all winter long, spontaneous shell hunting and feeling even closer to God while watching another beautiful sunrise. So the next time you feel like that little hatchling, embrace all the good that surrounds you, and you too, will survive the worst.