When trying to plan a card for a guy, it is often easy to create a good look by using elements from nature. In this card example, I used the Botanical Blooms Sale-A-Bration set with a verse from Sincere Salutations set along with the Sanded background stamp to add some texture. Color comination used on this is Ivory Naturals, Kiwi Kiss, Always Artichoke and Night of Navy cardstock. Inks used were Creamy Carmel, Old Olive and Night of Navy. For the border strip, I used repetition stamping to create the varied tones. The Ivory Natural cardstock was laid on top of the scratches background stamp inked with Creamy Carmel ink. The verse and leaf patterns were then stamped on top. I used a square punch to create the window on the front panel and glued the stamped leaf to the back side of the front panel. You can also mount on the inside left panel and leave as a true window.This design can easily be used to create a wonderful Father's Day card. Here it is shown as a masculine birthday or get well card.
1 comment:
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting these project! I have that set coming and you truely have such unique ideas for the set!
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