Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just 2 days til I cut off my long locks!

In just 2 more days, I will be cutting off my hair to benefit Locks of Love and CURED, a foundation that 100% of funds raised goes to research in finding a cure for Eosinophilic Gastro Intestinal Disorders, such as EE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis) which my daughter and Kylie are diagnosed with. Cinco de Mayo marks Kylie's 16th birthday and earlier this year she had a scare with lymphoma started by enlarged lymph nodes. We were relieved after months of testing to find out that it wasn’t cancer, but my heart kept telling me that after what we went through I needed to pay back my gratitude by donating my hair to Locks of Love so that they could make a wig for some child who was fighting that battle. Kylie and I talked about how I could turn that into a fundraiser to raise awareness and money towards helping doctors find a cure for EE.

If you are interesting in knowing more about this disorder, you can go to the CURED website and follow the links. Each case is so different, but for some people it means relying solely on liquid nutrition or being fed through a feeding tube to exist. The social, emotional and other auto immune side effects of this illness can be very devastating. I know for my teen, the difficulties of planning meals on the go so she can lead a “normal life” of being involved in sports, attending parties and social events can be very challenging, not to manage very difficult on her. She sees foods that she used to be able to enjoy and can no longer have, but we are very grateful that she has many options. Some kids can only eat one or two things such as apples or potatoes. Imagine how that would feel to eat the same thing for every meal, for every snack, simply to survive?

The fundraiser has already begun and if you would like to participate by donating, you can go directly to the CURED website to make a donation. It is marked Inching Towards a Cure. You will see this photo and a link. Just type in the amount and it will take you to the cart. I have made a suggestion to donate money based upon the inches of hair I am cutting off (atleast 10), however the donation is simply a flat amount, and nothing is too small a donation. Every bit helps.

To find out more about donating your hair to Locks of Love (10 inches is the minimum), you can go to their website. They also accept donations to offset the cost of $900 involved in creating each new wig.

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